Many children start their day without much, if anything at all, to eat before heading off to school. Schools offer breakfast to students but much of this is sugar laden cereals, muffins or other unhealthy options. To add to the already nutrtient lacking morning, some families are not sending (or are not able to send) their child with a snack to eat.
Educational standards are set extremely high for children. Some children can not think past their growling stomachs, never mind focus on the demands of their teachers and peers. However, if you feed a brain with junk but expect excellence, you are going to receive the opposite result.
The school nurse at our local school tries her best to provide a snack for students who need it. This is done voluntarily and with her own money. Unfortunately, snacks such as crackers and pretzels are not ones that will fill little bellies with foods that will power their brains, keep their blood sugars at an optimum level and supply the nutrients that their bodies so desperately need.
I've decided to make and bake snacks such as trail mix, granola and healthy muffins to be given to children who do not have a snack to eat. These snacks will be full of protein, grains, fruits and/or veggies while being mindful of food allergies and sensitivities. These snacks will not contain any additives or preservatives, just real food! Each snack will be packaged and labeled.
It's a small step toward what I believe to be a necessity. If healthy foods are not provided to them now, how do we expect them to excel later? Or, more likely, even function? All children deserve a healthy meal. At least a healthy snack to help. It has been my pleasure to provide this benefit to those who need it.
Thank you for listening!