Monday, December 28, 2015

Happy New Year!

As 2015 comes to a close, I find myself, like many people, reflecting on what the past year has taught me. 

I have so much to be grateful for. Many accomplishments have been made as well as amazing connections with wonderful people. 

My children have blossomed both academically and socially. They are both healthy and happy, therefore I am happy. What more could a mother ask for?!

My personal relationships with friends and loved ones are built on love, trust, honesty and laughter. Surrounding myself with those who bring me such joy, as I hope I bring to them, is an overwhelming feeling of gratitude.

Towards the end of this year, I wasn't the healthiest health coach. THIS was very difficult for me to understand, at first. However, just like the highlights of my year, the darker times also taught me something. I AM ENOUGH. There is no way I can be everything to everyone and have what I need for myself. I learned this as my health suffered. I pushed myself to the point of physical exhaustion. 

Taking time for myself to heal has not only been good for my health, but also good for my soul. I stepped away from social media, a bit. I slept, I ate meals s-l-o-w-l-y, drank water in abundance and heck, watched movies just because I could.  I came to terms with all is as it should be. I AM ENOUGH.

It was particularly difficult for my health to take a nose dive right in time for the holidays. And as my wonderful friends offered their help, I could only say "Thank you! But what is done ( the shopping, the presents, the cards etc.) is going to have to be good enough." I surrendered! And it felt good!

So as we come to the end of 2015, I ask you, How are you feeling? Are you ready to take on the new year? Or are holding onto things that may not be benefiting you anymore? 

Only you know.  Remember this, I AM ENOUGH!

Thank you all so very much for being a part of the Healthy Appetites community. I'm looking forward to what 2016 has in store!

See you in the New Year!

Much love,