Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Wise advice

A wise man once told me that I should write everyday!  "Did you know Ernest Hemingway wrote five hundred words everyday?"  he asked me.  "Wow!  No I did not" was my reply.  "Not all his words were published, but he wrote them down everyday."  he added.

Ok, I got the hint.  I've let this blog fall by the wayside due to being "busy".  Work, kids, a business, life.... these are but excuses.  If I am passionate about writing, than I must work at it.  And maybe my words will not be published everyday; but I should write them anyway.

It's good to be back.  And welcome back to you!

Thank you Uncle Tony.  Thank you for your wise words. ox

1 comment:

  1. Looking forward to more words, advice, tips and RECIPES!! Welcome back my friend!
